(6 - 9)

(Parent participation not required)  |  All levels welcome  |  Boys & Girls  

Our Bandicoot class is tailored to suit children who are new to the game, wants to stay active and make new friends or who are looking to improve their technical abilities. By incorporating the elements of the Australian National Curriculum, this class will promote the development of the fundamental soccer skills with the introduction of the four core skills - running with the ball, 1v1, first touch and striking the ball. It will also introduce the participants into real football matches and emphasize on fair play, teamwork, knowledge and practical application of the rules of play.

per term

Key Features

What to wear & bring:

BOOKING a free trial?

Not sure, whether to commit for a term or unsure if your child will enjoy it? Why not book a free trial with us and see how they go? 

We offer 1x FREE TRIAL for both our age group and all our locations. Simply click below and fill the form to help us organise and provide the best experience for all involved.